Bio of Selim Unlu

M. Selim Ünlü is a Distinguished Professor of Engineering at the Boston University. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Middle East Technical University, in 1986 and his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 1992. His research interests are in biophotonics and nanophotonics areas.  Dr. Ünlü has authored and co-authored 190 journal articles (h-index of 50) and 10 book chapters and several magazine articles; edited one book; holds seven US patents; and has several patents pending. He served as the Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics (2011-2014). He was the general chair for IEEE Photonics Society Annual Meeting in 2009, held in Turkey. He has been elevated to IEEE Fellow rank in 2007 for his “contributions to optoelectronic devices” and OSA Fellow rank in 2017 for his “for pioneering contributions in the utilization of optical interference in enhanced photodetectors and biological sensing and imaging.”   In 2008, he was awarded the Science Award (Özel Ödül) by the Turkish Scientific Foundation.

Dr. Ünlü has been a participant and contributor to TASSA since the very beginning. He has served on engineering technical committee and board of directors. He was the chair of the TASSA 2018 Conference on "Disruptive Ideas and Technologies" held in Boston.