Sena Eken Schieber Economics Award

The Sena Eken Schieber Economics Award grants scholarships to women from Turkey, who are admitted to graduate programs for a Masters or PhD degree in Economics at an accredited school in the United States. The scholarship is given in memory of Sena Eken Schieber. Several awards will be made annually, up to $25,000 each, to cover tuition and/or living expenses with the condition that the university will also offer the scholarship recipient additional support and/or the opportunity to work on campus. The scholarship may be renewed for a second year for exceptional cases.

The Sena Eken Schieber Economics Award is provided by the Eken-Schieber Fund, an endowed scholarship fund held at Turkish Philanthropy Funds in the name of Sena Eken Schieber and George Schieber.

To apply please visit the Turkish Philanthropy Funds website.