TASSA 2016 Poster Session

Handan Acar

The poster session of TASSA 2016 Conference was held at Charles M. Harper Center, the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, April 2, 2016. 

The aim of TASSA 2016 poster session was to establish a convenient platform where young and experienced scientists from Turkey and the US could develop new collaborative initiatives, exchange ideas and knowledge, and explore new possibilities. Building on this idea, we developed this casual forum for researchers and institutions.

Principal investigators, students, and postdoctoral fellows partook in this unique event to present their research. The session was divided into four sub-categories that reflect the four Technical Groups of TASSA:

  • Engineering & Applied Sciences
  • Health & Biomedical Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities

The Poster Session Committee selected 20 high quality research posters among submissions based on their scientific content and relevance to a myriad of research areas: politics, social sciences, biomedical sciences and computer sciences to name a few. Apart from these, award-winning Young Scholars were provided booths to present their research. This set-up enabled the participants and presenters to discuss their studies with their peers. Most of the symposium participants from different countries and associations visited the poster session. Recruiters from different institutions were given the opportunity to discuss the research of their pre-determined candidates in detail. Scientists from different universities and research labs in the US and Turkey discussed and learnt from the research efforts of presenters, and exchanged ideas to develop their current research interests. Thanks to the conveniently spacious venue provided by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and available seating both the presenters and attendees went overtime to further continue their discussions.

This year highlighted the first ever Best Poster Award upon prior decision of the committee. The participants were asked to evaluate the posters and to fill in surveys, after which they showed great interest in voting using ballot box to choose the best one. The winner was selected among more than 100 submissions and was awarded $100 and a one-year TASSA membership.

The title of the winner poster has been “An Integrated Network Design and Scheduling Problem for Network Restoration” by Suzan Afacan from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Engineering & Applied Sciences.

Furthermore, we invited institutes, research labs, universities, and other large and small-scale facilities to present their posters at TASSA 2016. Booths and desks for visuals were provided to participants from different institutes. The main aim of the poster session was to initiate negotiations towards future collaborations among participants from the US and Turkey. This was much appreciated especially by Turkish scientists studying in the US and planning to go back to Turkey to pursue their career in science. They had the opportunity to learn more about the participating institutes and facilities. The conference participants from both countries had the chance to learn more about the institutions, associations and current research interests in Turkey.

The following Turkish universities attended the poster session:
- Kadir Has University
- Uskudar University
- Bezmialem Vakif University
- Erzincan University
- Sanko University

The following institutions from Turkey attended the session:
- Havelsan
- Roketsan
- T.C. Basbakalnlik Yurtdisi Turkler ve Akraba Topluluklari Baskanligi