From The President: Reorganization Complete

Dear Friends of TASSA,

We are very happy to inform you that TASSA Reorganization is complete. We have formed the Executive Committee, Standing Committees, and Technical Groups. The individuals who have been contacted and volunteered to work were very enthusiastic, which encouraged us about the success of TASSA going forward. I know many of you would have accepted the invitation to volunteer for TASSA if you were contacted. But don’t be disappointed because one of the charges for these committees is to get more people involved. So if you want to be actively involved, please do not hesitate to contact one of the committee members.

I have another piece of good news for you. We have convinced Dr. Nilay Papila to write a regular column for The Bridge on grant opportunities that are available in Turkey and the European Community. Dr. Papila has amassed great experience in research development and is eager to help TASSA members for their quest for funds for their research or academic visits to Turkey.

As all of you know TASSA’s main mission is to bridge scientific communities in Turkey and the U.S.A. Toward this end we are developing an exciting idea, which is to establish the TASSA Academy. This Academy can offer online education and research presentations by members of TASSA for use by students and academicians and member institutions in Turkey. Discussions are underway to develop the idea and resolve the implementation issues. More to come on the TASSA Academy in the near future.

With this I wish everyone a successful Fall semester.

Haluk Unal


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