Hatice Altug: Diagnosing Common Human Ailments

When it comes to fighting off disease, early detection is key. But the technology for diagnosing some diseases can be expensive and unwieldy, and the process can be time-consuming.

That’s where IEEE Member Hatice Altug and her research team at Boston University come in. They are working to develop a portable biosensor that eventually will help diagnose common human ailments such as food poisoning or swine flu faster and more easily.

An assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the school, Altug was recently recognized by U.S. president Barack Obama for her work on the sensor. In 2011, she was one of the recipients of the Presidential Early Career Award for Science and Engineers, an honor bestowed by the federal government on science and engineering professionals in the initial stages of their careers. She was cited for “advancing the frontiers of proteomics [the study of proteins] to enable the discovery of protein biomarkers for detection of disease, drugs, and environmental monitoring, and for innovative educational and outreach activities that have helped students at all levels.”

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