Job Openings 2017
Faculty Position in Department of Biology, METUApplications are invited for an open faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor in Systems Biology at the Department of Biological Sciences, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara. full story |
Post Doctoral Fellow Position - Biomedical Engineering, Drexel UniversityWe have an immediate opening for a post-doctoral fellow to join a research group developing multiscale models of nitric oxide mechanisms in the microcirculation at the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, Drexel University. full story |
Faculty Position in Marketing MEF UNIVERSITY IstanbulMEF University, invites applications for a full time faculty position in Marketing starting in September 2017. Candidates from all areas in marketing are encouraged to apply. full story |
Faculty Position in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Boğaziçi University in IstanbulThe Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul (Turkey) is inviting applications for an open full-time faculty position at the assistant or associate professor level. full story |
Open FACULTY positions - Department of ChemistryAssistant or Associate Professor Position(s) in Chemistry Chemistry Department at Middle East Technical University, located in the capital of Turkey, Ankara, invites applications for the position of Assistant or Associate Professor levels. full story |
Assistant Professor in Terrestrial Ecology at METUThe Department of Biological Sciences at the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara, Turkey is inviting applications for an Assistant Professor position in the field of terrestrial ecology. full story |
Assistant, Associate and Full Professorship Positions at the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology, Bezmialem Vakif UniversityThe Institute of Biology and Biotechnology at the Bezmialem Vakif University, is seeking to fill tenure-track faculty positions starting fall of 2017 until the end of 2018. Candidates with strong basic science and/or translational research in any of these broad areas of interests are encouraged to apply. full story |