UNDP Surdurulebilir Kalkinmanin Sektorel Politikalara Entegrasyonu Projesi icin

Avrupa Birligi tarafindan fonlanan ve Birlesmis Milletler Kalkinma Programi (UNDP) tarafindan uygulanan "Surdurulebilir Kalkinmanin Sektorel Politikalara Entegrasyonu Projesi" kapsaminda "Uluslararasi Sektor Uzmanlari" ve "Tematik Odak Uzmanlari" istihdam edilecektir. Projenin amaci, Turkiye'de surdurulebilir kalkinma ilkelerinin, Dunya Surdurulebilir Kalkinma Zirvesi Uygulama Plani'nda kabul edildigi sekilde ve Avrupa Birligi 6. Cerceve Eylem Plani ile uyumlu, makroekeonomik ve sektorel duzeyde, ulusal ve bolgesel kalkinma planlarina entegrasyonuna katki saglamaktir.


Su Urunleri, Hayvancilik, Enerji, Kentlesme ve Bilgi ve Teknoloji Uretimi konularinda "Uluslararasi Sektor Uzmani" pozisyonu ile ilgili ayrintili bilgi ve basvuru icin www.undp.org.tr adresinde yer alan "jobs @ undp Turkey" baglantisi erisime aciktir.


Bilim ve Teknoloji Uretimi konusunda "Tematik Odak Uzmanlari" pozisyonu ile ilgili genel bilgiler ise asagida sunulmaktadir. Bu pozisyonla ilgilenenler, ayrintili gorev tanimini hande.dilaver@undp.org adresinden e-posta yoluyla talep edebilirler.



Vacancy Announcement for "Thematic Focal Points"


Integration of Sustainable Development (SD) into Sectoral Policies Project is funded by European Union and implemented by United Nations Development Programme in coordination with State Planning Organization.


The project aim is to develop of national capacity in Turkey to manage the environment and natural resources; integrate environmental and energy dimensions into national poverty reduction strategies and development frameworks; and strengthen the role of related stakeholders and actors (civil society, private sector and local administrations etc.,) in promoting sustainable development.


One component of the project encompasses a series of meetings, trainings and seminars within public bodies' to formulate participatory working mechanisms and to increase capacity for the process of integrated planning and decision making adherent to sustainable development indicators. In order to formulate policy options within the scope of planning, "Thematic Task Forces (TTF)" are to be created in the selected social and economic sectors. As an output of the work carried out by TTF's, "Sectoral Sustainable Development Policy Papers" are to be prepared to be brought together under a single "National Sustainable Development Policy Options" paper to be presented to relevant bodies.


This document will constitute a background for the National Sustainable Development Strategy of Turkey. The work of TTFs will be facilitated by the Thematic Focal Points (TFP), with support of core TTF members, UNDP Technical Assistance Team and SPO experts.


The TFP will be responsible for the transfer of expertise on sustainable development and integrated planning in the relevant sector to the work of TTFs; day to day guidance of the work of TTFs; ensuring the timely and efficient implementation of the activities listed in the TTF work plan; producing the necessary sectoral summary documents to facilitate the Project; preparing the Progress Reports of each phase of TTF, and preparing the TTF reports based on the outputs of internal meetings, workshops and discussion sessions, together with the information and data provided by experts.


Applications are being called for the consultancy service explained above for the TFP position. If you are interested in applying to this position, please ask for the detailed Terms of Reference from Ms. Hande Dilaver at hande.dilaver@undp.org.