TASSA 2018: Call for abstracts

We kindly invite you to submit an abstract for the TASSA 2018 conference that will be held at the Boston University (June 2-3rd, 2018). The general theme of the upcoming TASSA 2018 conference will be "Disruptive Ideas and Technologies." Our focus will specifically be on ideas and technologies that will shape our lives in the following decade. To complement the discussions in the panel sessions, we invite principal investigators, research fellows, post-doctoral scientists, and students to present their original work in the following categories:

  • Society-changing disruptive ideas
  • Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities
  • Health, Biotechnology and Life Sciences
  • Economics and Finance
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering

In addition, we welcome poster presentations given by institutional attendees from universities and institutes that harbor the creation of new ideas and innovative research as well as aim to make societal impact. The committee will select 15 original abstracts to be presented as 2-min talks in the lightning session.

Abstracts should be submitted via email to poster@tassausa.org
Please prepare abstracts using the guidelines listed in the link below and submit by April 23, 2018. Poster Session Committee will notify authors of abstract acceptances by April 30, 2018. Please contact us at poster@tassausa.org for any inquiries. http://www.tassausa.org/Annual-Conferences/2018/Poster