İsmail Günacar is 17, and just received his Bachelor's Degree from the University of Cincinnati

İsmail Günacar, age 17, has successfully earned a BS degree in biochemistry with honors from the McMicken College of Arts & Sciences of the University of Cincinnati, and has became the youngest student ever to earn a BS degree from UC. Günacar has research experience on improved nucleotide extraction and has worked on a new method to increase yield of nucleotides extracted from cell cultures. Along with his academic success, Günacar was involved in a number of extracurricular activities. He restarted the Spanish Club, and visits hospital patients at TriHealth-owned hospitals during his spare time.

University of Cincinnati President Professor Santa Ono honored İsmail during the graduation ceremony with these words: “ There is a biochemistry graduate amongst you, İsmail Günacar. He first entered our UC family at the age of 13. He enrolled in a program that allows high schools students to take college courses for credit. He began taking classes at UC Blue Ash. Unable to leave the campus because he wasn’t old enough, to drive at the age of 13, he grew to love hanging out on campus. A lot of the kids at the UC Blue Ash campus adopted him as their little brother. But by the time he graduted from high school, İsmail had earned so many UC credits, he only needed to enroll for one more year to earn his Bachelorette degree on biochemistry. He became a UC honors student and completed 5 honors experiences in a single year. Today, after finishing a year, his both freshman and senior year, he earnes a bachelorette degree at the age of 17. That makes him the youngest ever graduate with a BS degree.”

Please visit Ismail's web site at to obtain further information about this rising star.